The Future Of

Hi, my name is Joshua Waters, the creator of and the SharpshooterJD YouTube channel. Today I wanted to talk to you a bit about the future of this website and my plans for this year.

My current plan is for this site to pretty closely follow my YouTube channel, expounding on new videos, doing in-depth article versions of some of my popular tutorials, and maybe even some blog articles to keep you guys in the loop on some smaller stuff that I don’t normally add into my videos. These might include things like refurbishing tools, how the shop is coming, new tools, behind the scenes on the projects I’m working on, new things I have learned, etc. But I haven’t figured everything out yet, so this is the perfect time to give me input on what you want to see before I solidify my plans. Please don’t be afraid to leave a comment or shoot me a message to give me suggestions if you have any!

Even though I am still getting my ideas in order for this site, I can assure you there are a lot of exciting things in store for you this year. I have plans for spear throwing, slingshot shooting videos, weapons builds, weapon tutorials, and more later on in the year.

But for now I am going to be trying to catch you guys up on all of the craziness that has been setting up a new shop, building a solid fuel forge, and just everything it has taken to get a fully operational blacksmith shop running.

As I work on posting content on this topic, I will also be trying to post content on current metalworking projects that I am doing, so a lot of these will probably be out of order time-wise, but it should be really cool nonetheless.

I am really excited about where all this is going, and just having my content follow my life more is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. So that’s the plan for now. Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you guys enjoy coming on this journey with me!

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
Joshua Waters


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